WSCN Update - Thursday, March 27th, 2025See archived WSCN episodes here!WSCN PodcastsLast Updated Thursday, March 27th, 2025
Something new this school year, in lieu of the usual end of the year FIELD DAY, something new has been organized and we are super excited about this event......The Akron Childrens Hospital Youth Advisory Council Presents: STOP, BUILD, LEAVE. This event will be on Friday, May 9th in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. There will be two sessions. The first session is from 9:00 - 11:00 am for Seniors and Freshmen, and from 12:15 - 2:15 pm for Juniors and Sophomores. There will be 3 guest speakers, all former WGH alums, Kay'Ron Adams, Nike Finesse, and John Ramsey along with free giveaways, games & dunk taken, snacks, face painting and bracelet making, a Live DJ (Mr. Ensley), the KONA ICE truck, and so much more! In order to attend, you must meet the following WGH PBIS criteria from Monday, March 31st through Friday, May 9th as follows: No more than 1 unexcused tardy to school, No more than 1 full day of ISI, No unexcused absences, No out of school suspensions, and no expulsions all year. Again, this criteria begins on Monday, March 31st, so lets plan ahead and do all the right things to meet these 5 requirements. This is going to be an interactive event that YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS!
Attention Key Club members--the Key Club meeting scheduled for this week has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 3rd. Once again, Key Club--this weeks meeting will NOW be hold on Thursday, April 3rd. If you have questions, talk to Mrs. Anzevino.
SENIORS Class of 2025 we have your the senior class apparel! There are two options to choose from:
Number 1: Senior World inspired by Rapper Travis Scotts AstroWorld. More of a new look with a graffiti of 2025 on the back with the senior class colors on it; Navy, Crimson Red and Silver
Number 2: Spider theme--more personalized with the schools name and a huge 25 on the back with the entire senior class names inside the numbers!
Senior shirt apparel sales will go on until Friday April 4th. Both designs are available in a short sleeve, long sleeve and crewneck!
Order forms are in the main office! Please see Miss Dawn (in Athletics) or Mrs. Leigh (main office) if you have any questions!
Dont forget that the Raider Pantry is here for YOU!
* Referral forms are located in the main office, guidance office, and outside the Pantry. Please see a teacher if you need assistance filling it out. There are also QR codes for contactless entry and pickup at the end of the day on posters and fliers throughout the building.
The Pantry is available to help you and your family whenever you may need it!
The WGH Volleyball team is hosting a Spring Flower Basket Sale. They will arrive just in time for Mother's Day! What a great gift idea. You can choose from a variety of flower types and colors and some are growers' choice in case of shortage. You can choose from the following: Callies-- which have a mix of colors together, Petunias, Begonias, Fuchsias, or Boston Ferns. Baskets are $25. For more information or to order a basket, please see Coach Shimko in SSC room 3117. Staff, you can email Coach Shimko with your order. All money is due by April 22nd in cash or via Venmo. The Volleyball Team thanks you in advance for your order and your support.
Key Club turned 100 years old on March 23rd! To celebrate this milestone, Key Club is promoting a kindness to each lunch period ALL THIS WEEK! Look for the basket of blank notes and write something kind. They'll be collected at the end of the week and they'll be displayed in various locations throughout the building. Is YOUR lunch period the kindest? We'll find out! Thanks for your help, Raiders!
It's time for the A-PLUS teacher award from the Tribune Chronicle. Do you have a teacher who has had a great influence on you throughout your life? If so, nominate him for the A-PLUS teacher award. You can pick up a nomination form in room 2113 from Mr. Whitacre. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 28th so don't delay--nominate TODAY!
The YSU Volleyball team is hosting Summer Volleyball Camps and they would LOVE to have Warren athletes attend. You can register at -- Do it now and attend these camps to improve your volleyball skills!
Grades for the third 9-weeks are in and Report Cards will be out soon. If you have earned a 3.2 GPA or Higher, you may be eligible for the Renaissance Program. You can Apply to the Renaissance Program by going to, clicking on the link to Harding, and then clicking on the article about Renaissance. Applications are due no later than TODAY, March 27, 2025. If you have any questions see Mrs. Angelo in the Library.
Practices for WGH Boys Volleyball are now underway! Practices are Mondays at 5:30, Tuesday, at 6, and Wednesdays at 6 in the small gym. If you have questions, contact Michael Anastadiadis ASAP! Be there, boys!
Swing into a NEW adventure with the Raider Golf Teams! Spring Training and tryouts are being held on April 8th, 10th, 15th,17th, 24th and 29th from 5 to 6:30 at the Wellness Center. You can scan the QR code on this flier to join or contact Coach DiCesare at This is for Boys AND girls golf! So sign up today and swing into action!
There is a Mandatory meeting for the YSU English Festival TODAY, March 27th. If you plan to attend the field trip to YSU next month, you must attend this meeting. It will be immediately after school in Mr. Sutton's room, which is room 2243. Be there TODAY after school!